Let’s Talk about: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (2018) | Video Game Chats

Once upon a time I said I wanted to write more on games and it didn’t really happen until recently I was persuaded to so here we are. There are a handful of games I want to talk about over the coming posts but I’ve decided to start with one I know quite well.

I bought Assassin’s Creed Odyssey secondhand at the beginning of 2020. My good friend Charlotte had been telling me to try this game out because she was sure that I would love it. And here I am with nearly 170 hours in my save having completing the main story, both sets of DLC and acquired the platinum trophy on my PS4 – I think its fair to say that Charlotte was right. It took me a little while to get sucked into this huge world but within two months I had completed the main three story threads and had spent a lot of time running around the ancient Greek world.

taken from Assassin’s Creed Odyssey IMDB page
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Are you sure you would like to reset?

Yes. I am.Untitled design-4-2

It’s a drizzly Sunday afternoon as I write this. The week which has just passed has been stressful on so many levels and I, for one, am exhausted. Over the last few months I have had to keep on eye on myself and learn that its okay to take breaks and that’s exactly what I plan on doing. I’m not sure how I’m going to document this, but I’m going to try and share some of the things I’ve been enjoying whilst I have my time away from it all.

Continue reading “Are you sure you would like to reset?”