Books I Want to Get Before the End of the Year

Now we’re in the last quarter of the year let’s not dwell on that for too long I decided to go through my TBR list and try and sort it into a series of priorities. I’ve decided to only include books I own or have bought rather than the long list of books I’ve yet to get my hands on (either buying them or borrowing them from the library). And my physical TBR list currently stands at about 38 books and I really want to try and keep it down. So, after sorting my TBR through multiple times and trying to sort it into priority order these are the books I want to read by the end of 2020.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

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So I don’t actually have a copy of this on my shelves as it comes out on 6/10/2020 but I have preordered a copy and who knows, by the time this blog post goes out my copy might have been shipped.

I’m not huge into anticipating releases. Often books by authors I love creep up on me and suddenly I stumble across it weeks after its release but it is almost impossible to miss a Schwab release. Similarly, I don’t shout about my love for her stories all that often, even though I consider multiple of them favourites. It’s been a while since we last had an adult fiction release from V.E. Schwab and I am excited to read a new book from her. Addie LaRue seems like a book I could enjoy a lot more than her other novels. I’m trying my best to avoid spoilers and reviews until I have given the book a go myself but as soon as Addie LaRue is delivered, I will be reading it.

Salt Slow by Julia Armfield

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At the beginning of September I visited a bookshop for the first time in month, armed with a gift token. By the time I picked this book up, I have two other books in my arms and then I saw this on the shelf. Salt Slow is a short story collection which I had seen around on Instagram. I’d seen that it was quite dark, features magical elements and its rating on Goodreads is high. I am so excited to see what this story collection holds.

Pachinko by Min Jin Lee

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One of the aforementioned books I was cradling in the bookshop at the beginning of September was Pachinko – another buy which was a little bit of an impulse. Again I’d seen this book around on Instagram and Christy Anne Jones channel and I kind of thought “why not?”, especially as its been a little while since I picked up a book set outside of Europe and America. All I really know about this book is that it is a family saga set throughout the 20th century. I’m happy to go into this book not knowing a lot and seeing where the story takes me.

Bunny by Mona Awad

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I picked up this one of a bit of a whim. I’ve heard its a bit weird, features a cult(?) but also gives me Heathers vibes – what with a group of girls who all go by the same name. Other than that I literally know nothing about this book. I’m not sure whether I want to know anymore before I go into this story. I guess I’ll see what unfolds…

The Familiars by Stacey Halls

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A couple of years ago I considered historical fiction to be my favourite genre, but since then I’ve realised I don’t actually read that many. I’ve had The Familiars on my shelves for well over a year at this point – it’s often a book I forget that I own. From what I remember its about a woman who, after several complications during her pregnancy, finds a midwife in the hope she’ll give birth during the 17th century when witch trials were taking place across England. I’m intrigued to see where this point goes and hopefully I’ll want to pick up more of Stacey Halls books in the future.

So those are the books I want to get to by the end of 2020. I’d like to say that I’m definitely going to do it but who knows which books are going to tumble into my hands between now and January.

What are you hoping to read before the end of 2020?